On Tithing and Forgiveness of Marital Infidelity


(Episode 7)

+ Question 1

I work hard and try to spend money on good things, like putting food on the table, keeping a roof over our heads, and saving for the kids' college. We don't give as much to charity as I'd like, but I'm afraid that I can't both take care of my family as I should and increase our charitable giving. What's your take on how much a family should give away?

+ Question 2

I've been married for 15 years and I thought our marriage was strong, but I recently learned that my wife was unfaithful. I could never have imagined that she'd be capable of such a thing, much less want to. I'm so hurt and angry, I can physically feel it at every moment. I know forgiveness is at the heart of Jesus's teaching, but could he really have meant to include a betrayal like this? And, if so, how do I even begin to forgive her?


On Death and Will Power


On Angels and Virginity