On the Problem of Prayer and Colicky Babies
(Episode 3)
Question 1
To be very blunt about it, I'm not a big fan of prayer. Maybe I was absent from CCD the day they taught us how to do it, but I just don't feel like I'm very good it, I don't really like doing it, and frankly I'm not sure God listens to me anyway. But old Catholic habits die hard and I feel like I ought to pray, so can you help me find more meaning in it?
Question 2
I'm a new mom with an 8 month old baby, and let's just say she's very vocal. I've always gone to church and would like to continue, but I'm really afraid that my daughter makes it impossible for other people to pay attention and probably annoys the priest. Is it okay to bring her, or should I try to find a babysitter every Sunday until she can keep quiet?