On Papal Infallibility and Choosing the Right Friends


(Episode 12)

+ Question 1

I don't want to sound anti-Catholic, but some of your beliefs just don't seem to have any historical or biblical founding to them. That said, I also can't believe an intelligent and holy priest like you would simply accept a-historical or un-biblical teachings. So I want to understand how you reconcile some of the teachings I find most problematic, starting with the so-called infallibility of the Pope. What does it mean when the church says the Pope is infallible? Surely Catholics can't believe the Pope is never wrong.

+ Question 2

I'm 13 years old and feeling a little stuck. My church friends are nice, but we don't have a lot in common, and I feel a little babyish when I'm with them. I have a lot more fun with my school friends, but sometimes their choices are not always the best and they use really inappropriate language most of the time, so I sometimes feel uncomfortable with them. Which group would you hang out with if you were me?


On Purgatory & Being Preachy


On Trusting the Prayer Process and the Baby Blues