On Religion as Mind Control & Natural Family Planning


(Episode 10)

+ Question 1

I keep seeing Christians mocked online for believing in "the magical man in the sky". As a cradle Catholic, I have always accepted that God exists, but how do we know the whole thing wasn't made up to control people or as a way of explaining what can now be explained through science?

+ Question 2

I'm engaged, and I'm thrilled to be marrying the man of my dreams. However, although we're in agreement on almost everything else, we don't see eye to eye on the topic of birth control. I believe in the beauty of the Church's teachings on the subject and long to embrace a natural lifestyle. My fiance, though, believes that natural family planning will be a hindrance to intimacy. He's heard me very respectfully on the topic and I know he'll defer to me, but I don't want him to just defer - I want him to see such an important issue the same way I do. Can you help me explain the Church's teaching on birth control in a way that might persuade him?


On Trusting the Prayer Process and the Baby Blues


On Teaching Kids About Suffering and Rebellious Teenagers